
monitor We design Machine Learning Algorithms. AlgoPole architecture is based on Cloud Computing. We developed a proprietary API to speak between your system and our Machine Learning Algorithms. The API is compliant with GDPR to protect and secure your data. In the cloud, storage is based on a NoSQL Database (Mongo DB) and all our algorithms are written in Python. We use a highly reliable, scalable, low-cost infrastruture platform powered by Amazon Web Services.

How it works? We clean and enrich your data, then, according to your goals and your demands, we design customized Machine Learning Algorithms adapted to your business. Our algorithms are very fast and highly optimized, and we can compute, on demand or in real-time, various statistics according to your points of interest. Finally, calculation are sent back to your system and you could use them as you like.

Our efficient, reliable, scalable, secure, and cost-effective sytem in the cloud is delivered as an utility: on-demand, available in seconds, withpay-as-you-go pricing. You don't pay any development or consulting, only the time you consume the Machine Learning Algorithms: if don't use them, you don't pay anything. All designs, developments and consulting are free of charge.

